Paying Attention

God is good. He always has been. Sometimes I don’t see it, but most of the time I’m just too selfish to acknowledge it. I’ve been working on it, though: thinking of things to be thankful for, praising others who have been continually investing their time and effort and love into me, and on purpose including a thankful time in my prayers each day.

It has produced good results, too! Not in others attitude or generosity toward me, but instead a surprising patience toward others on my part, a growing ease with praising my kids, or telling my wife how wonderful she is, and meaning it.

This was not accomplished because I just “knew what to do” but because I started “paying attention.” It is taking work, effort, and quite a bit of plain old thought power.

In this same way, I want to encourage each and every person who considers Heartland “their school” to do this same thing with our wonderful school and it’s staff & faculty! Find some time each week to spend some time in prayer for the college , and all that goes into it.  Plan on spending some of your God-given monetary assets at the May offering, call a student on the phone.

Interestingly enough, this is the exact purpose of the Alumni Association! The Alumni Association’s sole purpose is to be thankful to the very college and the staff/faculty that make it a wonderful, nurturing place to grow. Join the Alumni Association today, and send some “thankfulness” to Heartland by way of your small gift. Also, plan on attending the Alumni days this October and show the students that you are thankful for what God did for you at HBBC.

Don’t let “your college” slip into the back corners of your thoughts and efforts. Start “Paying Attention!”

Tim Knutson
Alumni Association President